Hosted by Messymimi's Meanderings
1. My daughter drove me to her aunt and uncles yesterday.
2. I had not seen them for a while because of my brother-in-law's broken back.
3. We did not want my sister to cook so my daughter made a wonderful quiche ham and Swiss cheese.
4. She added a large bowl of salad and mixed fruit.
5. Granddaughter sent a dozen Cowboy cookies with us that she had baked for the occasion.
6. I took paper plates and a dozen fresh eggs from my girls.
7. The delights on the table, we gathered for long conversations.
8. My sister was thrilled not to be challenged with preparing a meal. She has been giving constant care to her husband.
9. My good friend took care of my crazy puppy all day so I could leave without worry.
10.We all hugged and kissed and said goodbye. It had been a day to be more than thankful for.
Oh how could I leave out an 11. My sister had flowers for me and my daughter as thanks for our visit and the food. Both vases were antique.